Healthy Workplace

a top manufacturer of label stocks

Retirement and insurance system

KK has a retirement system for full time employees. The employee pension reserve is amortized according to Labor Retirement Statutory. At the end of each year, the pension reserve of the next year is deposited into the Account of Retirement Trust Fund. The employees who select the individual labor pension account based on the Labor Pension Program are eligible to receive pension. In accordance with the Table of Monthly Contribution Wages of Labor Pension and the respective rate of contribution, the Company deposits the monthly pension reserve to the employee individual labor pension accounts in the Bureau of Labor Insurance, Ministry of Labor.

Training and education

KK provides an open learning environment to employees and encourages diversified learning, from the training of newly hired employees to professional on-the-job training. In response to the different needs, some employees are arranged to receive external training to enhance their profession and technical level.
The Company actively encourages the advancement of employees. It is expected that both work and life can be linked to training! Professional knowledge is not only the individual asset of employees, but also the competitive basis of a company. Lifetime learning can not only benefit to individuals, but also let employees grow with the Company.